If I had to pick one “injury” that is by far the most common among all the powerlifters that I’ve worked with, it would easily be some kind of tendinitis from low bar squatting. Whether that manifests as shoulder pain, bicep pain, or elbow pain, this happens to seemingly every single powerlifter in existence at some point in their career. I’ve dealt it with personally so many times that I have refined an entire system for dealing with the problem. In this article, I want to share my experiences on how you can manage this problem and, ideally, eliminate or prevent it from happening altogether. In order to do that, we’re going to take a multi-faceted approach to the problem that includes: 1) mobility, 2) technique, 3) programming, and 4) prehab/rehab. If you’d rather watch than read: Why does Elbow Pain Happen? One of the most important concepts you can understand about tendinitis is that it is, essentially, an overuse injury. In other words, for whatever reason, something that you’re doing is causing irritation to the soft tissue and the underlying structures therein. With repeated exposure to the irritant in question, the inflammation grows worse over time. Eventually, you’ll hit a tipping point where the pain becomes severe enough to inhibit normal function. Congratulations, you’ve now got a case of tendinitis. In the case of low bar squats, there are at least two competing theories as to why this happens. For one, there are those that say the low bar squat inherently loads the elbows and shoulders to some degree. While this may not be the case if your form is absolutely perfect and you’re carrying the bar in exactly the right spot, it is more or less true in reality due to the inevitability of form breakdown. When reps get hard, people drive their elbows under the bar or they drive their elbows up or any other number of things can happen. As a set progresses, the bar moves around on your back a little bit and sometimes slides down which can further load the shoulders and elbows to some degree. Again, if your form was perfect, you theoretically wouldn’t have to worry about this. However, most people don’t have perfect form in the real world and there can often be advantages to carrying the bar very low even if it does load the tendons and ligaments. The low bar picture here is a great example of someone carrying the bar “too low”. credit: Scott Herman Fitness The second reason that some people suggest low bar squats can cause tendinitis comes down to the mobility requirements of the movement. Powerlifter-types can often be stiff and lacking mobility. Let’s face it: low bar squats actually do require quite a bit of flexibility throughout the lats, chest, and shoulders. You’re jamming the bar pretty low on your back and this can require a significant amount of thoracic mobility as well as shoulder extension. Some people don’t have the requisite mobility for a true low bar squat, but they can still “jam” themselves into position using the weight of the bar. To compensate for this lack of mobility in the musculature, tendons and ligaments can actually mobilize to a small degree. When this happens, internal structures can impinge or rub against each other resulting in inflammation. Mobility for Low Bar Squats The first thing that everybody does when trying to address elbow and shoulder pain from low bar squatting is that they run out and find a list of mobility exercises to do. Look, that’s a great start, but I’d actually recommend approaching the situation from the other end of the spectrum. Instead, you should look for ways to REDUCE the mobility requirements of the movement in the first place. The two main ways to do this are: 1) increase your grip width to reduce shoulder flexion/extension requirements and 2) allow your wrists to bend to reduce shoulder flexion/extension requirements. In some cases, you can fix the issue just by widening your grip. Almost EVERYONE will find relief in allowing their wrists to bend, though. Make sure that if you do allow the wrists to bend that you’re using wrist wraps. You don’t want your wrist joints to take a beating trying to support hundreds of pounds of load. Straight wrist, thumbless grip (left) vs. the bent wrist, thumbs around grip (right). A bent wrist grip can really help with elbow tendinitis. This is an extreme example but it clearly shows how the shoulder mobility demands are decreased as the grip widens. Now, I know some of you would be pissed if I didn’t include my favorite mobility exercises for low bar squat. I think the two best ones are 1) shoulder dislocations and 2) the low bar squat stretch. Shoulder dislocations are best done with a PVC pipe: Shoulder dislocations will help you improve your mobility for low bar squats. Here is a great demonstration of the best and most specific stretch to improving low bar squat mobility: Technique to Reduce Low Bar Squat Pain One of the biggest culprits to low bar squat pain is simply carrying the bar too low. If you carry the bar below the spine of the scapula, or below the rear delt muscles, there is pretty much no way to avoid loading the elbows and shoulders to some degree. Here is an exaggerated example to show what I’m talking about: As you can see on the left, the bar is slightly too low and the lifter has no way to avoid significantly loading the elbows. Carrying it a little higher fixes this. Now, some people can actually lift more weight when they carry the bar SUPER low, but this is an advanced technique and it really isn’t something you should be messing around with if you have tendinitis issues. Carry the bar a little higher and you won’t run into as many problems. Additionally, chalk the back of your shirt so that the bar is less likely to slide around during sets that have more than one rep. This makes a HUGE difference. Programming to reduce Elbow Pain from Low Bar Squats Remember, tendinitis is caused by repeated exposure to an irritating stimulus. In this case, that irritant is low bar squats. The more often you do low bar squats, the higher your chances of coming down with a case of tendinitis. One of the simplest and fastest ways you can reduce or eliminate this problem is to cut back on your low bar squatting. My practical recommendations are to cut back to once or twice per week as far as low bar squat frequency. That doesn’t mean that you need to cut back on squatting in general, though. There are many variations of squats that either reduce the mobility requirements for squatting significantly or avoid loading the elbows and shoulders. The best two are Safety Bar Squats and Buffalo Bar Squats. Buffalo Bar squats are the most similar to a low bar squat, but due to the bow in the bar, the mobility demands are reduced significantly. This is due to the fact that the your hands don’t have to reach up as high to get a hold of the bar. That is all there is to it — very simple stuff. Buffalo Bar squats are a great alternative when you’ve got a minor case of tendinitis because, as I’ve said, they’re the most similar to a competition low bar squat. This is a Buffalo Bar. The Safety Squat Bar is another beast entirely. The mechanics are very different than your typical low bar squat. A Safety Bar Squat is more like a hybrid between a front squat and a high bar squat. However, due to the way the bar is created, you don’t even have to use your arms. This can allow you to still get in some squatting even when you have devastating elbow pain. This bar has saved me during several meet preps when my elbow pain became too severe to do any kind of competition squatting. The Safety Squat Bar More info on Safety Bar Squats: Prehab/Rehab for Elbow and Shoulder Pain from Low Bar Squats Research has shown that controlled, eccentric loading can be beneficial for tendon injuries. When it comes to elbow and bicep pain from low bar squats, my absolute FAVORITE exercise for “prehab” purposes is the dumbbell hammer curl. I recommend performing the exercise in typical bodybuilding fashion: do 8-15 rep sets while focusing on control and tempo. Really control the eccentric on the way down for the best results. I’m telling you this exercise provides almost immediate relief. This one single exercise has helped my elbows more than anything else. As far as rehab goes, you must understand that tendinitis is an overuse injury. You cannot train through tendinitis. This is just so key: YOU CANNOT TRAIN THROUGH TENDINITIS. Well, you can, but it will just get worse. You have to remove the irritant and allow this injury to heal. Once it has healed, you can reintroduce normal training. Just make sure that you actually address some of the things that caused the problems in the first place: 1) mobility, 2) technique, and 3) programming. You have to do SOMETHING differently or the tendinitis will just come back. The severity of your personal case will determine what you can get away with doing while the injury heals. There have been times where I tried to train through this injury and it got so bad that I couldn’t sleep. I’ve had it get bad enough where I couldn’t do deadlifts and you don’t even bend your arm in that exercise. I’ve also had extremely minor cases that were fixed by simply replacing one low bar squat session with a Buffalo Bar session. So, as I’ve said, the severity of your case will determine what you can get away with doing while the injury heals. The big KEY here is to make sure you’re not doing ANYTHING that causes pain while it heals. One more time, do not do any exercise that causes even minor pain to the injury while you are letting it heal. Ibuprofen: Last Resort Option Look, this is isn’t medical advice and I’m not a trained professional. Nothing I say here should be considered a replacement for competent medical advice from a trained professional. All that said, you can mask tendinitis to some degree with NSAIDs. Anti-inflammatory drugs DO work for tendinitis because, well, tendinitis is essentially an inflammation-based injury. I would STRONGLY encourage you not to rely on ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, though. Not only is this extremely unhealthy but you WILL get to a point where you cannot train without them. At that point, you’re pretty screwed unless you want to pop pills before every workout for the rest of your life. Even then, sometimes the tendinitis gets so bad that the NSAIDs no longer help enough to make a difference. This is a last resort option that should be reserved exclusively for helping you get through the last couple weeks of a meet prep if this horrible issue just so happens to hit you hard during that crucial time.
Bicep, Elbow and Shoulder Pain from Low Bar Squats
While some in the fitness community debate the strength of the research supporting these findings, I’ve personally found adopting Dr. Norton’s suggested practices to be measurably effective both in terms of improving my strength and in terms of the overall amount of muscle I am able to carry at any given time. As such, I will echo his recommendations. If you personally disagree, protein needs can be determined using the traditional body weight metrics. In simple terms, “getting enough protein” for powerlifting means eating ~4-6 meals per day that contain 30-50g of protein because this is approximately how much it takes to get 3-5g of Leucine per meal. If you’re towards the smaller side, you’ll need less leucine to elicit the optimal response. If you’re bigger, you’ll need more. Regardless, this all adds up to approximately 120g-300g of protein per day. Personally, I’d recommend shooting for 5 meals per day of 30-50g of protein. Use your bodyweight as a rough guide to help you determine the total amount that you’ll split between the meals. For example, a 200lbs male might consume a total of 200g of protein consisting of five 40g meals. A 150lbs female might consume 150g of protein consisting of five 30g meals. As you can see, when you get down to putting this into practice, it isn’t too terribly difficult
How much Protein do you need for Powerlifting?
Now, “semi-sumo” or “modified” sumo enters the picture, in my opinion, because of one factor: back rounding. While back rounding is a technical flaw for a general strength trainee, and dangerous for even powerlifters, it is also a tool that can be used to manipulate leverages. When you round your back, any part of it, you effectively shorten your torso segment which opens both the knee and hip angle in the starting position AND brings your hips closer to the bar. In other words, safety aside, rounding your back greatly improves both mechanical efficiency and leverage… in the starting position. Again, compare the hip angles and knee angles of the round back deadlift (left) and the flat back deadlift (right). Again, compare the hip angles and knee angles of the round back deadlift (left) and the flat back deadlift (right). The problem occurs, in terms of lifting the most weight possible, when the hips/legs have ceased contributing to the movement but the bar is still not locked out. At this point, the lifter has to finish the lift using raw lumbar strength which is inefficient. After all, you can extend your hips with much more weight than you can uncurl with your erectors. In reality, this is the reason, by my analysis, that the conventional deadlift has a reputation for being harder at lockout: people simply round their backs to start the movement. The most open knee angle you can have in the starting position of a deadlift will come from a conventional stance with a round back.
The Biomechanics of Rounding Your Back
As a powerlifter, you have to think about how you’re affecting leverages with the technical choices you make. While it is true that a sumo deadlift shortens the range of motion and reduces the moment arm between the bar and the hips in the starting position, it also significantly closes the knee angle and opens the hip angle. In other words, knee extension is rendered more difficult by a less mechanically efficient position while hip extension is rendered less difficult for the same reason. This is why the sumo deadlift is traditionally known to be “hard off the floor” and “easy at lockout”. And this is the basic trade you make when you decide to pull sumo: shorter RoM, better leverages, but you also get worsened mechanical efficiency in terms of knee extension compared to the relatively stronger starting position afforded by the conventional deadlift stance (ex: half -squat vs. quarter-squat).
Basic Biomechanics of Deadlifting
So, when you’re comparing the sumo deadlift to the conventional deadlift, you have to keep in mind that, for powerlifters, more often than not, what you’re really comparing is the sumo deadlift to the round back conventional deadlift; what you’re really comparing is an interplay between starting position efficiency and lockout efficiency. Range of motion really isn’t the only, or even the primary, consideration here. A flat back sumo deadlift with a maximum width stance is going to give you the best possible leverages at lockout while the round back conventional deadlift is going to give you the possible leverages in the starting position. Everything else falls somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. Now with all of this in mind, let’s consider the “semi-sumo” stance popularized by Ed Coan. What in the hell could Ed possibly be doing here? Well, like most “semi-sumo” pullers, what Coan is really doing is a round back conventional deadlift with a wider stance. To make things plain, due to his individual leverages and personal muscular strengths and weaknesses, he has traded a bit of starting position efficiency for a somewhat more difficult starting position and a somewhat less difficult lockout. Because of the back rounding, breaking the bar from the floor isn’t the hardest part of the movement for him. In fact, given a conventional stance, it would likely be the part of the range of motion where he was strongest. So, again, he sacrifices some of that starting position efficiency in exchange for a lockout position where it will be easier to overcome his rounding.
The Deadlift Spectrum
How to Increase Your Bench Press Arch The first key to making big improvements in your bench press arch is to stop thinking of arching as some sort of flexibility trick and start thinking of arching as a skill. Why? Because skills are something that you can build up over time with practice. You get good at what you repeatedly do. Here’s the thing. I’ve been benching at least two times per week for three straight years. Many times, I’ve even benched as much as four times per week. Every time I bench, I use the biggest arch that I can. Even when I’m warming up with the bar, I practice getting into the biggest arch that I possibly can. In terms of mobility work, every single one of my bench workouts is a mobility workout for my arch as well. I do dozens and dozens of reps during each bench workout and, that entire time, I’m arching hard. And, believe it or not, arching helps improve your arch
How to Increase Your Bench Press Arch